Surah Muhammad ayat 7 :
"Wahai orang- orang yg beriman,
jika kamu menolong Allah, nescaya Dia akan
menolong kamu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


God has created us tier upon tier,

and men are not born equal.

Precisely for this reason, we have

as little cause to be awed by the

brilliance of the great as we have to

be contemptuous of the limitations

of the small. Since everything stands

out or falls relative to other things

around it, the great are great only

because of the smallness of the small

around them. Yes, we, the small, have

also a role to play! By lighting our little

lamps we compel those who are better

gifted to do their bit, and equally important,

when the small refuse to be smaller than

they are, they prevent the mediocre from

becoming great!

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