Surah Muhammad ayat 7 :
"Wahai orang- orang yg beriman,
jika kamu menolong Allah, nescaya Dia akan
menolong kamu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu."

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Free radicals.

Free radicals are chemically unstable molecules
that attack your cells and damage your DNA.
You can limit your exposure to them by avoiding
cigarettes, trans fats, charred meats, and other

Organic fruits and vegetables will also limit your
exposure to pesticides and herbicides, which
contain the harmful molecules.


Inflammation is a major player in many diseases
of aging, including cancer, diabetes, heart
disease, and Alzheimer's. One way to avoid it is
to follow a Mediterranean-style diet.
Other great anti-inflammatory foods include
turmeric, dark chocolate, and the anti-aging
chemical resveratrol. Exercise is another great
way to lower inflammation.


Glycation is what happens when sugar mixes with
proteins and fats to form molecules that promote
aging. Advanced glycation end products, or AGEs,
are thought to accelerate your aging process by
churning out free radicals and promoting
inflammation. One way to avoid ingesting AGEs
is to turn down the heat when you cook.
The browning effect of high-heat cooking causes
these molecules to form. Limiting your intake
of sugar-filled foods in general will also help.


Stress initiates the release of a variety of hormones
that make your pulse race and cause your blood
pressure to rise. The hormone cortisol, released
to lessen these effects, also creates problems when
it remains chronically elevated. Try practicing
relaxation techniques to help manage stress, and
get enough sleep every night.

U.S. News & World Report July 29, 2010
The Guardian August 1, 2010

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