Surah Muhammad ayat 7 :
"Wahai orang- orang yg beriman,
jika kamu menolong Allah, nescaya Dia akan
menolong kamu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu."

Monday, December 6, 2010


One of my earliest recollections about Islam
is as a boy. I saw a news clip showing Muslims
praying in Mecca on Hajj, all in one direction
to the one God Allah سبحانه وتعالى. I remember
admiring how the Muslims were all praying
to one God, direct with no intermediary or
intercessor. This particularly appealed to me
because I was always in a state of confusion
and intellectual unrest with my own belief and
manner in which I had been shown to worship.

I had been taught that we should respect all
religions, because they were all different
pathways to God, with Hinduism being the
oldest and most sacred religion to attain the
highest of knowledge and become one with God.
I believed people who were born Hindus had
been through numerous reincarnations until
they had reached sufficient level of good Karma
to be born in a Hindu household and have access
to what was supposed to be the most supreme
divine knowledge.

This belief in reincarnation plus the belief that
God had in the past incarnated into numerous
forms was something that just did not make
sense to me. However despite all the doubts, I
thought to myself it was inconceivable that
such an ancient religion practised by millions
of people could all be wrong? The problem, I
thought to myself must be within myself. I did
not possess sufficient knowledge and that's why
I could not understand Hinduism.

To find an answer to these doubts I had previously
as a boy asked my parents numerous questions.
I asked them why if we were Hindus, did we not as
the Hindu scriptures teach renounce the world and
live as monks. The answer I received was that we
need to be balanced and practical and not cop out
of life's responsibilities. I asked if God had in the
past incarnated into various forms why were these
incarnations just in India and why did God not do
this any more? Why if all religions were correct and
different paths to God, were their teachings so
contradictory? Their response was to tell me not to
take religion too seriously or I would go mad trying
to comprehend it. I thought to myself; How can we
not take our whole purpose in life seriously? Surely
if there was a God, who created all of us, he would've
given us clear guidance and a message for us to follow.
The unanswered questions and contradictions led me
on a quest where I would debate, question and discuss
with various people. I spoke frequently to Jehovah
Witnesses. I also read the bible and the bagwat geeta
secretly in my room. I did find the various stories in
the bible comforting but never in a way that would
expel the doubts that I had.

I like many non-Muslims frequently asked questions,
If there was a God why was there so much suffering
in the world? Why were there so many different
contradictory religions? Why was there no clear
message from God without contradictions and confusion?

I was an individual just waiting to be shown the truth,
although for some reason I had never come across
Islam, despite the fact that there had been many
Muslims in my school and my very best friend was a Muslim!

It was when I was 19 years old before starting university
that I bumped into an old friend and was shocked he
had spent his holidays learning a foreign language -
Arabic! I was really shocked that someone would want
to use their summer holidays, instead of having fun,
in a classroom learning another language. Whilst my
friend explained to me that it was the language of the
Qur'an, I thought what a waste of time. My parents had
frequently discouraged me from thinking too much
about religion or one would go mad and I thought this
is what had happened to my old friend. I thought he had
gone over the edge trying to figure out his purpose in
life and now he was going to flunk life and probably
become a monk.

However at the same time my stereotype of a person
devoted to God did not fit the reality. My friend had
told me he was going in to the second year of his
degree, studying at a prestigious UK university whilst
I was just starting. I agreed to meet him again, to
discuss further his newly found passion for Islam.

By the time I was 19, I had become frustrated with
not finding the answers to all my questions about life,
so I had decided to put all my doubts to the back of
my mind and become a pragmatic follower to the
teachings of the Hare Krishna movement.

My friend and I met regularly to debate; we were
accustomed to this manner of discussing. I would
continue to repeat what I had read in the Baghwat
Gita regarding Hindu philosophy. After every point
I would just repeat what I had learnt regardless of
whether it made any sense. We ended our discussion
on amicable terms. However even though I refused
to budge in the slightest on the validity of Hindu
teachings my friend still wanted to meet regularly.

Now thinking back to those days over 20 years ago,
it is Allah that guides whom he wills, but he used
the dedication of my friend to guide me. I have to
admire and appreciate his determination not to
give-up and write me off as another one of those
people who are blind to the truth, ‘a kafir' who
will never embrace Islam, especially after our first
encounter where I seemed such a stubborn follower
of Hinduism. May Allah reward him for all his efforts
and dedication in the service of Islam.

I had as a result of studying Hindu Philosophy
developed a warped understanding of God. For
the justification in Hinduism for worshiping the
creation is that everything is a part of God. This
belief was challenged and brought back to the
reality that all of creation is limited whereas
Allah is beyond any limitation. Indeed the creation
and creator are completely different in their nature.

This began to change my attitude towards creation.
Previously I had always believed in God but my belief
was plagued with doubt. Now I had come to an
intellectual conviction in Allah, the Almighty's
existence - The One who has no beginning and
whose existence can be identified but essence is
beyond human comprehension. (Just like if a
person knocks on the door, you know there is
someone knocking from the noise but have no
idea as to his appearance). I had realised that
Islam was not the stereotype I had previously
held in my head. Muslims were not just angry
fanatics who went around burning effigies but
a people who followed a unique belief that had
an intellectual foundation. A strong foundation
that could answer my every question I had never
previously been answered.

Suddenly all my doubts left my mind. All my
unanswered questions were for the first time
being answered. Every aspect of life's existence
and the Hereafter;

Q. Why was there so much suffering in the World?
Q. Why all the contradictions between religions?
Q. Why was there no clear message?

Suddenly everything became clear. Allah had revealed
the Quran, the word of God revelealed 1400 years ago.
Preserved to the letter and in it clears proofs as to its
authenticity. He had sent 124,000 messengers but their
message had become changed over time accounting for
all the conflicting religions. With the message of the
next life Allah had also revealed a comprehensive
system on how to organise life's affairs. Its political
system of ruling (Khilafah) was absent in the world
today and that's why the world was full of oppression
and suffering.

Whilst I was contemplating Islam I had many worries
in my mind. If I were to become Muslim, I would no
longer be part of a large Indian Community which I
belonged to in the UK. I also thought to myself that it
would be highly unlikely that I would be able to get
married since Muslim fathers would not allow their
daughters to marry an outsider convert like myself.
This thinking continued and I thought that what if I
thought Islam was correct but was in reality making
a mistake and there was some error in my thinking
but I had not identified it yet.

Although I was only 19 years old, I had previously
engaged in many business ventures. All of them had
failed, even though at the time I was absolutely
convinced that my idea was certainly going to make
me rich. What if Islam was another one of those ideas
- something that I was sure of at the time only to
realise later that I was mistaken in my analysis?
This is what worried me the most that I was going
to sacrifice so much for something that might not
even be the absolute truth.

So I decided that things had gone too far and I had
to stop myself from making the mistake of becoming
a Muslim. I suddenly told my friend that I did not
want to convert and I no longer wanted to meet him
if he was going to talk about Islam. So my friend
disappointed in my stance which allowed no further
discussion since by that point I had even put my
hands over my ears to prevent him further influencing me.

Three months then passed. Every day I tried to block
out what I had learnt and get on with my life as a
non-Muslim. However now my belief in Hinduism
had completely been destroyed yet at the same time
I still believed in God. What a situation, believing
in Islam, yet at the same time trying to convince
myself it was wrong.

It was the most awful time but I tried to busy myself
going to parties, getting drunk and anything else
that would distract me. Over time, to try and justify
my viewpoint, I became angry with Muslims. How
can they be so arrogant to believe they are the only
ones with the divine truth and all other religions
are incorrect?

It was when I got a copy of the Qur'an that I realised
I cannot run forever. At this point I decided to
challenge Islam. I had decided enough was enough,
I was going to read the Qur'an for myself, discover its
contradictions and errors and then I could be at
peace with myself in the decision I had made not
to convert.

However as a result of reading the Quran I underwent
a radical change in my thoughts and feelings. This
change did not occur over the days that I read the
Quran, it actually happened with me within seconds
of the first night reading the Quran.

The very first verses had a striking effect upon me.
"Alif Lam Meem.. This is a book of which there is no

It was as though the Quran was revealed especially
just for me and Allah was communicating to me
directly from the heavens, eliminating my every
fear and doubt. I was able to relate to every single
verse which was a message I had never experienced
before. The message was so powerful and gripped
me into a truly undiverted attention to the verses
in the book. This was truly a book with no contradictions.
Surely as Allah says if this book was from man it would
be full of errors but the Quran has none.

After two days of reading the Quran, I felt my belief
was now unshakeable. I was fully convinced with not
an ounce of doubt as to the validity of this message.
As well as knowing the truth, I now had the strength
to follow it.

I rang my friend who I had debated with and to his
surprise I told him that I wanted to embrace Islam.
The night before taking my declaration of faith I
thanked God and made a promise that I was willing
to sacrifice anything and everything to submit to
the word of God. The night I became Muslim, I was
in a very serious mood, feeling that my life was from
now on about to take a radical and difficult change.
My friend was probably a bit worried since I did not
display any joy as a result of becoming Muslim but I
was aware of the verses that Allah would test everyone
and I was preparing myself for these tests.

I would like to share some of my experiences of what
happened after my embracing Islam.

The next day when I woke up my heart was filled with
an intense sense of tranquillity. I was at last at peace
with myself, no longer searching for the answers to life.
Content with the conclusion and contract I had made
with Allah the day before. I was Al-hamdulilah a
follower of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, who
was the last in the line of Prophets which started with
the Prophet Adam and included Prophet Noah,
Moses and Jesus.
The day after converting I went to University and
announced to everyone I had become Muslim.
Initially people did not seem too bothered until
I told my friends I would no longer be joining them
in the university pub. I took every opportunity that
the interest in my conversion brought to try and
also persuade others about Islam. Looking back it
is remarkable how someone can go from one stance
in one week of being an opponent of Islam to a
propagator of it the following week. This is indeed
how Islam was spread in the past when the people
of conquered nations embraced Islam and
immediately took it upon themselves to be
carriers of this message to other nations.

My parents were to find out about my conversion
a few days later when my Mum noticed that I was
no longer wearing my Hindu luck charm on my neck.
She asked me why I was no longer wearing my
necklace, which was supposed to protect against
evil. I said to her absolute shock, "I don't need
the charm to protect me. Allah will protect me,
" She swore at me - What do you mean ‘Allah will
protect you?' -- She warned me of the implications
of what I was saying and I acknowledged I had
recognised the implication but this is what I
believed in and that she too should also convert
to Islam.

My mum was in tears and that was the hardest
part of my conversion, to see my Mum so distraught
with the news of my conversion. However I stood
firm, realising that I could never hide my belief,
because I wanted to share it with those I love so
they to could come to the same realisation that
I had.

I explained to my family why I had converted to
Islam - that all the idols in our house had no
power at all. They were all part of mythology just
like the Quresh who had over time come to worship
360 idols instead of the one God who is beyond any
limitation. The Kabba was originally a place built
to worship the one God, over time this message had
been lost as idolatry replaced the monotheistic
belief. In the same way ample evidence shows
Hinduism originally had divine origins but over
time the pure message had become distorted and lost.

When my Mum heard this message she was shaken
and could not sleep that night. However her emotions
were not in line with her intellect and as she says to
this day she feels she cannot convert because she
lacks strength of feeling to make that change.

I was fortunate in that although my conversion did
upset my parents at the same time they have always
respected and even admired my decision to follow my

After embracing Islam, I was very optimistic that once
my relatives heard the message of Islam they would
inevitably also witness that there was No God but
Allah and that the Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم was a
Prophet of Allah. However to my surprise until today
none of my parents, nor my brother or any of my
relatives has yet embraced Islam. However, writing
this account has reminded me that I should never
give up or loose hope.

Before embracing Islam, I thought I would be losing
in this life many things. But in reality I have only
gained. Gained being part of a bigger family of the
Ummah, a brotherhood of Muslims throughout the
world. I gained a tranquillity which comes from the
acknowledgment in the truth which is confirmed in
the mind and settles in ones heart. A tranquillity
where the human being is no longer searching or
trying to persuade himself about the answers about
life's purpose and creation.

Before becoming Muslim, I felt I had compromised
the highest ideals, due to not abandoning all of
life's pleasures and devoting myself to become a
Monk. Islam does not ask or encourage its
followers to abandon life. Rather it commands
the Muslim to work. Recommends them to get
married and have children, to look after others
and involve in societal affairs. Indeed when one
does this in accordance with Gods commands he
is worshiping his Creator.

Finally my fears of never being able to find a wife
were false. Al-Hamduliah, Allah has given me
what every persons desires in life - a wonderful
wife (who was also a convert like myself) and four
lovely children.

For all those on their search for the truth, Muslim
and non-Muslim I would like to end with a perfect Prayer,

O Allah, Help me see the Truth as TRUTH and give
me the strength to follow it
And O Allah, Help me to see Falsehood as FALSE
and give me the strength to Abstain from it.

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